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Drunk Beaver Odesa Envelope Filter pedal top view
Drunk Beaver Odesa Envelope Filter pedal side view
Drunk Beaver Odesa Envelope Filter pedal jacks view
Drunk Beaver Odesa Envelope Filter pedal internals

Odesa Envelope Filter

Vintage funk filter with a modern edge, reverse sweep and wider range



Odesa Envelope Filter is our take on the vintage MXR Enveloper Filter CMOS-based circuit. However, it's not just a clone but an improved version using NOS (new old stock) and high-quality components with additional mods: reverse filter sweep, additional filter range, and longer decay options.


  • Attack - envelope follower attack.
  • Threshold - envelope follower sensitivity.
  • Range toggle -switches between stock (300Hz - 3kHz) range and narrower.
  • Decay - short (stock)/long envelope follower decay time.
  • Invert - reverses the filter sweep.
  • LED brightness trimmer - placed on the PCB trimmer allows you to adjust the status LED brightness.

Power supply

9V DC adapter (Boss-style negative center) not included. No batteries. They are bad for the environment 🌲.

Voltage: 9V

Current draw: 6.0 mA


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Lifetime Warranty - feel free to contact us if you have any troubles with a pedal!
